Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Dungeon Fighter Online NA
As today is the 5 month anniversary of literally zero, nilch, nada updates for one of - if not the- world's most famous 2-d MMO beat em up, Dungeon Fighter Online (AKA Dungeon and Fighter, Arad Senki etcetc..) I figured I might as well make a little post about it and let some people know a little bit more about the poor 2-d fighter's hosting in the western world. I try to stay a little formal here as I feel as if I'm conductive a funeral service for my favorite game. Here's hoping you all keep DFO in your hearts and minds.
For the past 5 months, Dungeon Fighter Online has not received a content update, as in no new dungeons, classes or cash shop items. Nexon has yet to tell the player base anything about the game or any word of any possible future updates (At least not anything that was set in stone and confirmed.) and the DFO forums don't even have a single active Community Manager, multiple Dungeon Fighters are basically jumping ship and running away while they still can - even going as far as to sell all their in game items and trade away their in-game currency for the much better serviced game (also published by Nexon) Maplestory - even those who have never played it.
Despite being the largest money maker for the company as said by their own words in 2012 and shown by the graph below, DFO seems to be going down the road of other titles that Nexon has either taken down or given to other publishers (Such as Audition and Poptag!), as this same behavior of no communication or updates also occurred there shortly before they were closed. Buy Dungeon Fighter Online gold
All hope isn't lost - at least not for the more patient members of the player base - who confirm that they will be attempting to join Garena's relanuch of Dungeon and Fighter for Taiwan or if any company chooses to pick up the abused game in Nexon's stead, just like they did with Audition. Nexon has yet to say anything on the matter for the game.
In addition, every Nexon NA game received a valentine's day event (even the game that was considered to be receiving the worst treatment 'Sudden Attack')with the exception of Dungeon Fighter Online who previously had been receiving regular cash shop updates every Valentine's Day since release.
However, rumors have it that Nexon is laying off a heavy amount of their staff specifically for a full Korean team - as was said on their 'Glassdoor' company profile by numerous reports over the course of the past few months. Keep in mind though that anyone can access glass door and place reviews regardless of whether or not they are employed at the business in question. dfo item
But a second rumor that is blossoming among the remaining player base is that an official DFO anime will soon enter production, as was discovered during numerous players' search for new information on the state of the game stateside.
And no, this anime will supposedly not be like the comedic, non serious and 'cartoony' Slap Up Party, so we can be rest assured that Dungeon and Fighter will continue to grow - just not here.
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Friday, February 1, 2013
Diablo 3: Die indiablo Werteliste fürs Legs, Sets und Rares
Wer stellt sich nicht die Frage ob das Item, welches man gerade gefunden hat, etwas taugt bzw. gut verkaufbar ist? Gerade dann, wenn es ein Item für einen Diablo 3-Charakter ist, den man nicht oder schon lange nicht mehr spielt. Unser Trade-Team um adsche hat keine Mühen gescheut Euch eine übersicht über alle Legend?ren und Setgegenst?nde aus Diablo 3 zu verschaffen mit Hinweisen darauf, was im Verkauf tendenziell eher wertvoll oder welches Item eher was für den Schmied ist. Zus?tzlich werden, z.B. für Rares, die wichtigsten Mainstats im jeweiligen Itemslot erw?hnt. buy diablo gold
Wollt Ihr wissen, was dieses Item wert ist? Dann schaut in der neuen Werteliste nach.
Dem einen oder anderen wird hiermit eine wertvolle Orientierungshilfe geboten – denn wir alle wissen, dass ein Item mal für 500.000 Gold und mal für 50 Millionen Gold angeboten wird. Anhand der vorgenommenen Einsch?tzungen unseres Trade-Teams k?nnt Ihr sehen, welche Stats Eure Items haben sollten um wirklich gut verkaufbar zu sein – und mit welchem ungef?hren Preislevel (sehr wertvoll, wertvoll, brauchbar, nicht brauchbar…) bei einem Einkauf oder Verkauf zu rechnen ist.
Diese Werteliste ist anhand der derzeitigen Situation in Diablo 3 erstellt. Sollte es einen neuen Mainstream-Build für eine bestimmte Charakterklasse geben, welcher bestimmte Stats auf den Items voraussetzt, kann sich die Bewertung natürlich ?ndern – und wird sich ?ndern. sell diablo III gold
Ihr seid alle eingeladen, Eure Kommentare und Anregungen zu den Bewertungen in dem Werteliste-Thread abzugeben, denn Bewertungen sind immer im Fluss. Ein gro?es Danke an adsche und Team für diese Arbeit!
Quelle: Tradeforum Wertelistethread
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